
   History of Tennis Framing Problem Tennis play has changed dramatically in the 150 years since it was invented.  Topspin and slice dominate the game professionally as well as in community play.  Tennis rackets have been improved to match the higher level of play, with much larger string area, carbon fiber rackets and stronger polymer strings. Every tennis player periodically frames the ball during play, including the pros.  This usually results in a mishit and lost point.   While playing in 2021, it occurred to me that the tennis racket is so thick, front to back, the strings could be rearranged to match the edges of the racket in order to "Hit the strings, not the frame."   So, I hired a patent attorney to research "prior art."  There was none! There is now.  A Non-Provisional Patent Application No. 17/706,841 was filed March 29, 2022 .  Angling the strings to the frame can prevent many mishits, whether it is a ...
Latest Prototype In pursuit of a patent for this invention, I contracted with a company which promotes inventions to manufacturers for licensing.  Their art department was unable to draw my concept, so I decided to make a prototype in my garage.  The first wasn't very good, so I made a second. I played with my second prototype six days a week, for ninety minutes a day, since September 2021 when I drilled it out in my garage.   Then it was stolen by a tennis instructor from a shed where the other instructor I loaned it to left it overnight. Despite being converted by drilling more holes instead of being designed from the ground up, my prototypes were all incredibly sturdy.  The string lasts as long as in standard tennis rackets.   The company that licenses the patent from me can easily design and build a nicer looking tennis racket with optimized performance, based on inputs from their tennis pros and designers. This tennis racket is great for beginning...